

Kothari weight loss clinic is a group of like-minded, dedicated, and well-qualified consultants who come together for the best possible comprehensive care in a scientifically approved way to overweight and obese patients with or without comorbidities in every aspect of health under one roof. 

  • BMI
  • Treatment
  • Procedure
  • Faq

Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI = weight (kg)/height squared (m2)

  • BMI of 18.5 to 22.9 kg/m2 indicates healthy weight.
  • BMI of > 23 kg/m2 to 24.9 kg/m2 suggests overweight.
  • BMI of 25-29.9 kg/m2 suggests pre obese.
  • BMI of more than 30 kg/m2 suggests obesity.


Why waist size matters?

  • Measuring your waist is a good way to check you're not carrying too much fat around your stomach, which can raise your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke.
  • You can have a healthy BMI and still have excess tummy fat – meaning you're still at risk of developing these diseases.


To measure your waist:

  • Find the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hips.
  • Wrap a tape measure around your waist midway between these points.
  • Breathe out naturally before taking the measurement.


Waist circumference of > 90 cm 

for men> 80 cm for women is associated with greater risk of diseases.


Body composition analysis:

  • There is growing evidence that clearly links body composition with health risks and the development of certain diseases.  New research indicates that fat loss, not weight loss, can extend human longevity. The ratio of fat to muscle in our body is important.
  • By measuring body composition, a person's health status can be more accurately assessed and the effects of both dietary and physical activity programs better directed.

Even a small weight loss is gives a boost to the self confidence & self esteem with resultant improvement in the quality of life of the person & the family.

Life style modification –Diet management.

  • Considering treatment for weight loss lifestyle modification is always of prime importance as that is main causative factor of obesity.
  • A properly designed diet with physical exercise is best that works. We analyze the reasons of your weight gain, then keeping in mind your dietary habits, genetic history, medical status etc according to your body need we plan your diet . We help you make healthier food choices, exercises plan and learn skills to avoid weight regain. We do not follow extreme methods for weight loss, but only scientific evidence based plans. 


Medical weight loss solution

  • Here we provide medicines along with lifestyle modification to patients as per requirement with proper advice from our expertise team.
  • Weight-loss medications are meant to help people who may have health problems related to overweight or obesity.  People who take prescription medications as part of a lifestyle program lose between 3 and 9 percent more weight.
  • Weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of your starting body weight may help improve your health by lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides. Losing weight also can improve some other health problems related to overweight and obesity, such as joint pain or sleep apnea.


Bariatric surgery

  • For the patients who have suffered repeated failures in losing weight through pharmacotherapy and behavior modification, due to disease of metabolism should opt for bariatric surgery.
  • The issues of problems of obesity are fortunately having a lifetime and scientific solution like bariatric surgery. An obese person when undergoes bariatric surgery with an expert surgeon and follows recommended changes in lifestyle can lose all excess weight.
  • But the main thing about this treatment option is that patient can get rid of all associated problems with obesity in a very short period after the surgery, long before the significant weight loss happens. An important example of this is the resolution of type 2 diabetes in such patient only in few days after bariatric surgery. Such improvement is seen in all other obesity related health issues.
  • Weight loss surgeries are now more safe and acceptable as they are done by laparoscopic techniques.-a keyhole technique. This technique offers quick recovery with minimum or no weight loss.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

  • The curvature of the stomach called fundus secretes a hormone called ghrelin, also known as hunger hormone. Ghrelin is known to induce obesity and diabetes.
  • The ghrelin secreting part of the stomach is removed in sleeve gastrectomy, thereby increasing the satiety and reducing the excess hunger and craving for food. At the same time, all the functioning elements of stomach are preserved. Hence it is known to have minimum nutritional effects.


Gastric By pass  

  • The stomach is divided into 2 portions. The smaller upper pouch of stomach is then connected to a Y shaped intestine, so that most of the fat ingested is not digested or absorbed and the patient also feels satisfied with a small or moderate amount of food intake. The ingested food is bypassed from direct contact with the large portion of excluded stomach. Hence the name Gastric Bypass.
  • The excluded part of stomach continues to work, secrete acid, which mixes with bile, pancreatic juice and is available for digestion in the distal part of intestine.
  • Research suggests that this operation has a strong anti diabetic action because of the secretion of hormones called incretins namely GLP1 & PYY. Incretins are substances which stimulates the pancreas to secrete more insulin and also improve the action of available insulin by reducing insulin resistance. The procedure is reversible since no part of the body is removed. However, it can be safely reversed only by experts.
  • Patient needs to take supplements of proteins, vitamins, and micro and macro nutrients.
FAQs for Bariatric Surgery
1. Are you OBESE?
The word obesity may have negative connotations, but it is simply the medical term for someone whose excess weight poses a health risk. The most useful measurement is weight in relationship to height known as the Body Mass Index (BMI). The calculated BMI allows us to classify whether someone is normal, overweight or obese.
BMI=Weight (kgs)/ (Height in mts)
BMI Helps in calculation of :
- How much a person is overweight
- The risk of medical problems is related to excess weight, so the BMI allows us to estimate this risk
- The ideal weight for someone based upon their height.
2. Is Bariatric Surgery right for me?
This surgery is not a cosmetic procedure. Anyone thinking about it should understand that the surgery will cause a reduction in the number of calories you may consume and help obese patients.
The following will help you decide whether you are ready:
 - Do you meet the weight and health guidelines established to determine eligibility?
-  Are you determined to lose weight and improve your health?
-  Have you been unsuccessful at long-term weight loss using non-surgical  methods?
3. How does Bariatric Surgery work?
The best suited bariatric surgeries taking are –
- Laproscopic Verticle Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Laprocsopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Surgery
- Mini Gastric Bypass.
4. What is Laparoscopic Verticle sleeve Gastrectomy?
In this procedure the majority of the stomach is removed leaving a long tubular structure. This surgery can be done laparoscopicaly ensuring scar less speedy recovery. The risk of nutritional deficiency is lower compared to operations that bypass part of the gastrointestinal tract.
5. What is Laparoscopic Roux- en-Y Gastric Bypass?
This procedure involves the creation of a small gastric pouch. There is very little interference with normal absorption of food. The operation works by reducing food intake & reducing the feeling of hunger. The result is a very early sense of fullness, followed by a profound sense of satisfaction. It is the preferred surgery for patients with metabolic disorders like uncontrolled diabetes.
6. What is Mini Gastric Surgery?
In the first part of mini gastric bypass surgery the stomach is divided and a small tube of stomach created which becomes the pouch.  This means that only a very small amount of food can be taken at any one time.  Fewer calories absorbed, means weight loss.
Steps followed by us to ensure your best:
- Evaluation by the surgeon: Do you really need the surgery?
- Comprehensive Medical Evaluation
- Intensive Counseling & Motivation
- Surgery Preparation & Performance
- Post Surgery Care & Rehabilitation
After the surgery, person needs to make changes in his/her lifestyle. This will be closely monitered by our surgeons, nutritionists. 
7. The Results of Bariatric Surgery:
Expected weight loss:  About 50 to 75 per cent of excess weight
Duration of operation:  2 hours
8. Healthy benefits of Weight Loss Surgery:
Diabetes: 77% of patients on medication for diabetes are able to discontinue taking medication after surgery. Some patients experience an improvement in the control of Diabetes.
Hypertension: Over 60% of patients with high blood pressure are able to stop medication and nearly 80% report an improvement in their blood pressure.
Sleep Apnea: Many patients have undiagnosed sleep apnea during their initial evaluation for weight loss surgery. Post surgery, it has been reported that 68-95% of the patients have resolutions of these symptoms.
Hyperlipidemia: Many patients seeking treatment have elevated cholesterol or lipids prior to surgery. Lipid profiles improve in 60%-95% of patients after weight loss procedures.
Quality of Life: Patients report an improved quality of life & increased activity levels after weight loss surgery.
Death: Multiple studies have shown a decrease in the long term risk of death in obese individuals after weight loss surgery, mainly due to reduction in deaths due to cardiovascular disease & cancer. The reduction is even greater in people suffering from Diabetes.
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+91 70737-59759

Kothari Hospital Marg, NH-15 Jaisalmer Road, Bikaner (Raj.) -334001

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